On All My Fanfics – Part IV

The trilogy has become a tetralogy, the most badass collection of works in existence.

All Wrong
Oh, how wrong I was.

When I wrote Scattering Ashes nearly four years ago, I had anticipated it being my final fanfic.  Yet four more times over the past few years I have succumbed to the urge to write more for the Jimmy Neutron fandom.  Here are my thoughts on my most recent stories.  I aimed for my most recent work to be my swan song, but with me?  Who knows.

Trading Lives

“I feel things are about to change for the better.”

Written from September 23, 2015 – October 10, 2015

This was my first fanfic which dealt with an alternate universe as opposed to a continuation of the original JN canon.  Even though The Final Battle veered wildly away from the cartoon into a galactic war, it still took place after the movie and show.  Yet Trading Lives imagined what  the seventh episode of Jimmy Neutron would have been like if Jimmy and Cindy had worked together after swapping bodies instead of merely fighting.

This story started out closely following the beginning of the episode Trading Faces.  The same dialogue from the initial scene in Ms. Fowl’s classroom was interspersed with some original lines, but it truly deviated once Nick asked “Cindy” why she hung up on him.  In the show, Jimmy takes this as another opportunity to torture his rival.  In my version, Jimmy realizes that ruining Cindy’s crush is a step too far and gives Nick a benign answer.  This leads to Jimmy and Cindy calling a truce while they inhabit each other’s bodies.  This ceasefire gradually morphs into a mutual respect before culminating in true friendship.

I really, really enjoyed writing this story.  As I’ve noted before, I’m a huge fan of emotional connections over purely physical ones.  Jimmy and Cindy don’t kiss or even hold hands in this story, but they discuss their darkest secrets/thoughts and truly connect with each other.  While I have come to agree with several reviewers that Jimmy and Cindy seemed too mature, I still love the emotion behind their intimate conversations.  Jimmy helps Cindy realize that her mother is proud of her, and Cindy assures Jimmy that he’s not a selfish or bad person.  (This story espoused the backstory in our Jimmy Neutron scripts that Jimmy was initially quite egotistial and narcissistic prior to befriending Sheen and Carl.) While I’d delved into the kids’ psyches before with stories such as Run and Hide and Last Call, I think this fic is my deepest look at who Jimmy and Cindy really are and what drives them.

This story would constantly swing back to Jimmy and Cindy’s prison discussion on Yolkus; I still feel that this is the most emotional and precious moment they ever shared.  While I’ve expressed this many times on my blog, I’m glad that I finally was able to climb aboard my soapbox and shout that point at my fanfic audience.  I made my argument via Jimmy’s journal entry, which was the easiest part of the story to write.  Those twelve paragraphs just flowed onto the page.

I know some readers thought the ending of this fic was underwhelming, and I agree that it was probably the most subtle finale I’ve ever penned.  It’s basically just Jimmy and Cindy agreeing to see each other tomorrow.  But there are a couple very tiny things in that final section which seemed huge to me but may not have been clear to the readers.

First, that ending section was the only time in the book that Jimmy and Cindy used each other’s first names.  Second, when Cindy says that she’ll see James tomorrow, tomorrow is a Saturday.  That means she’s not saying she’ll see him at school; it’s an offer to hang out with him on the weekend.  That’s why Jimmy smiles.

I can definitely respect if readers think the ending still needed more, and I absolutely could have done more to make the latter point clearer.  But for me personally, this is one of my favorite endings from my fanfics.

Final Verdict: James and Cindy should have had less mature conversations, and I can understand why some readers didn’t love the ending.  But I still really love this fic and think most J/C fans would enjoy it.


“Because if you saw what I’ve seen, you could never look at me the same way again.”

Written on August 25, 2016

When Cindy asks Jimmy if he thinks there are parallel universes, he finds the answer.  Seeing so many different worlds, ranging from the ridiculous to the horrifying, shatters him.  Or, in one alternate reality, it doesn’t.

This story means a lot to me because it was many years in the making.  Back in my original fanfic days (2005 – 2006) I had an idea for a “Matrix” inspired story.  I figured that Jimmy would realize all of reality was a lie and I would somehow tie several of my previous stories into it.  The idea was never fully realized, but I started thinking about it again in the summer of 2016.

At that point I had the urge to write another piece of fanfiction, and I really wanted it to be my final one (as I always say).  I thought the perfect way to end my career would be tying many of my previous stories together.  Since they could not occupy the same universe, the only option was to reference many ultimate universes.  Hence came this idea.

Once I realized that I wanted Jimmy to explore parallel realities, the rest of the story’s outline came together rather easily.  It was a natural path for Jimmy and Cindy to explore; as Cindy said, Jimmy had moved forward and back along the timeline.  So why not try sideways?  Since so many of mine and the fandom’s stories were depressing, the idea of this adventure breaking James’ spirit came easily.  As for the second chapter, where Jimmy doesn’t explore the parallel universe theory and therefore doesn’t lose his mind?  Well, I’d had a well-deserved reputation for being overly violent/pessimistic early on in my career.  So I didn’t want my finale to end on such a heartbreaking note.  So in one universe James is broken, but in the other he and Cindy take another step forward in their relationship instead.

I decided to include other author’s stories in addition to my own for one simple and frank reason; I didn’t have enough well-written stories to pad out the number of alternate universes I needed.  So I tied in stories from five other authors as well.  I decided to rewrite excerpts from these stories ; it didn’t seem write to just copy and paste. Rewriting sections of other authors’ amazing stories was probably my favorite part of this fic. My favorite scenes were Cindy standing over James’ grave in Catalyst and expanding on Dictator Jimmy wiping out Earth in The Other Side of Tomorrow.  I loved how both stories provided glimpses into how  dangerous James’ intellect could become if he lost his humanity.

You all should know that this story was initially even more confusing than it already is.  In its current form, there are three mixed sections of the first chapter.  The regularly typed section is the present-day story.  The italicized segments show flashbacks to why Jimmy was exploring the alternate universes.  The bolded portions are different alternate universes.  They’re all interspersed, so it’s essentially impossible to know exactly what’s going on until you’re at least a quarter of the way through the story.  Originally, however, I had planned on putting the italicized flashbacks out of order.  I thought this fit with the chaotic nature of the piece, but I ultimately decided that was unnecessary and would make the story a confusing mess.

One last bit of trivia is that this is one of the few stories since Stealing my Heart where Ike Burke doesn’t make an appearance.  (The others are Run and Hide and Fireflies.) I thought of shoving him in but there was no natural opening for the baritone-voiced chain smoker, so I reluctantly shelved him.

Final Verdict: This is one of my favorite fics, definitely in the top three.  I hope people enjoy it and check out the other authors’ stories that helped it come into being.

The Old Spinster

“To Jimmy Neutron, time was merely a flimsy ball of yarn cobbled together by an old spinster. And he was about to untangle it.”

Written from October 6, 2017 – December 15, 2017

On the last day of school before Christmas Vacation, Cindy kisses Jimmy.   Using his Temporal Dethreader, he watches the day in reverse, tracking good deed after good deed to see what sparked the kiss.

I started brainstorming this fic by trying to think of a Christmas-themed tale.  The idea of Cindy kissing Jimmy under the mistletoe came quickly.  This was followed by the idea of each member of the JN gang helping another, causing a chain of events which led to the kiss.  I figured since we would be traveling backwards in time as the story went on, there should be some sort of chaos in the school whose genesis was slowly revealed.  Thus developed the idea of Sheen and Ike breaking a pipe, leading to a flood, which combined with Carl adjusting the school’s heat led to a new biodome in the basement.

I really enjoyed having each chapter focus on two characters  (with the exception of Libby’s chapter “Two Pillars” and the Epilogue).  This enabled me to really focus on certain relationships within the JN gang.  Carl and Cindy’s chapter in particular was fun to write because those two rarely even spoke directly in the cartoon.

It was a blast to through in a ton of random, hilarious details about Retroville Middle School.  An overly philosophic eight grader, a band of LARPers obsessed with the 1930s, a secrete saloon in the woodshop, an alcoholic teacher captivated by Juggalo music; there’s just something satisfying about a school that stretches the limits of reality.  And of course, I loved throwing in the sentient rats from Farley Drexel’s Make a Move.  (If you haven’t read that fic yet, give it a shot. It’s unfinished, but still a comedic powerhouse.)

Nerf guns were initially mentioned briefly in chapter two, as Carl and Ike finished a “Stealing My Heart” type adventure. I’ve always had a passion for these foam weapons, and their role in the story kept multiplying. I couldn’t stop myself from having a little action scene with them in Libby’s chapter.  Sheen’s chapter was originally just a simple conversation with Ike on the roof, so I knew I needed something to spice that dialogue up.  Having the two fool around at a homemade Nerf firing range seemed to do the trick.  I toyed with having an epilogue where the school devolved into a Nerf war or showing a pure action flashback to Carl and Ike’s raid on the principal’s office, but I felt that Nerf thing was getting out of control and pulling the story away from its emotional core.

Some readers very fairly thought chapters six and seven strayed too far from the JN gang.  These chapters focus on Ike and Ms. Wolf; the big five characters barely make an appearance.  This was another example of me purely writing for myself.  Yet I really enjoyed delving deeper into Ike’s psyche.  After him being present in eight other stories, it felt time to give him some more backstory than Stealing My Heart offered.  As for Ms. Wolf, she’d made appearances in three other stories (Stealing my HeartThe Lost Chapters, and A Trip to Loch Ness) and it also felt right to give her some more depth.  And also kill some dinosaurs.

I originally planned on ending this story with Ms. Wolf’s chapter.  I had wanted to finish on a hopeful note; all of these had not only helped each other but inspired an alcoholic teacher to become better. Yet after agreeing the criticism of the story losing its focus on the JN gang, I realized it was best to move the focus back on them.  So I quickly came up with the idea of an epilogue where Jimmy and Libby discuss his new relationship with Cindy, as well as having Ms. Wolf clarify how the school had gotten destroyed.

Final Verdict: Even though this story strayed too far from the show’s main characters, I still love it.  I think it’s a funny and heartwarming fic that most fans of the show will enjoy, as long as they’re willing to fully embrace an absurd middle school and a couple original characters.

The Prize

“Every kid she’d betrayed, every friend she’d let die, every tear she’d shed and bit of her soul that she’d let chip away was for this. It was to survive the next fifteen minutes and make all her suffering mean something.”

Written from September 9, 2018 – September 22, 2018

After fifth grade graduation, Principal Willoughby announces a school-wide Nerf War.  Only the victor will get the spoils – no summer reading.  Alliances are formed and broken as the school devolves into chaos in a desperate bid for The Prize.

I know I say this a lot, but I loved writing this story.  I’ve always loved action and humor, and this story was the first time I truly combined the two since Stealing My Heart.  I got major Pushing Through vibes when writing these action scenes; it was indescribably amazing and cathartic to write the JN gang in gunfights once more.  As a pleasant plus, this time there was no risk of death or serious injury.

This story also quenched the Nerf thirst that The Old Spinster had sparked.  All of the Nerf guns are actual weapons; I always had the Nerf wikia always open on a separate tab while writing this story.  I think I may have messed up on the details of one blaster, but overall this story is basically a huge advertisement for these toys.

This story was heavily inspired by the series of paintball episodes from Community, and there’s a little joke in the first chapter about Dean Pelton and Principal Willoughby being the same character (obviously a reference to this post from my blog). I was initially worried about this story being too similar to those episodes of Community, but I think I was able to make them different enough (only the idea of a school-wide war for a fabled “The Prize” was borrowed).

The other major source of inspiration was the band “Lord Huron.”  I’ve fallen in love with their music over the past year.  Their song “Wait by the River” was especially influential, as it helped me come up with the idea of the peaceful basement settlement and the Angie/Cindy scene in chapter three.

The Old Spinster definitely provided some inspiration for this story in two ways.  The first is obviously the Nerf guns.  I had wanted to show Carl and Ike fighting Principal Kowalsky’s student guards to adjust the thermostat in The Old Spinster. While I decided against that move, I was obviously able to show a lot of battle scenes in The Prize.  The second idea that spiraled from The Old Spinster was creating a school that pushed past the boundaries of reality.  Showing The River and The Graveyard in chapter three was a great writing exercise for me; I rarely stop trying to strive for realism in my stories.

Aside from Run and Hide and Fireflies, this is one of my few stories that place Cindy as the lead character. It was a great treat and writing exercise to tell this story from Cindy’s point of view.  I loved showing her as Jimmy’s protector.  I think the major weakness in this story is not giving Jimmy enough to do; surely he could have used his brainpower some more in these fights.  Yet even though I could have handled his character better in the battles, I do like the idea of him just being over his head and relying on Cindy to lead and protect him.

Despite the fact that I’d previously written stories where the gang gets into actual gunfights during an interplanetary war, it was this story that made me feel physically ill about what I was putting the characters through.  When I was writing chapters three and four, I got nauseous thinking about how tired and defeated Cindy was.  She was cold, hungry, had a concussion, and was forced to just keep pushing onwards through chaotic scene after chaotic scene.  I really felt for Cindy during this story and it was a blast to write for her.

Aside from not giving Jimmy enough to do, I think the other major weakness in this story is that it could have been slightly longer.  I wish there was a major battle between two opposing groups of students.  Chapter one only had a taste of action.  Chapter two had a decent battle scene, but it was over fairly quickly and was only four students against five.  I love the Graveyard scene; it might be the most terrifying horror scene I’ve written despite the lack of actual danger.  And while there were some quick fights when the gang routed The River settlement, they were on a small scale.  The melee in chapter four was large and chaotic, but it wasn’t a protracted large battle.  It was just pure chaos.  I wish I had written just one large gunfight between two armies.

But my favorite action moment of this story, and indeed it rivals the taking of The Justice in Pushing Through, is Cindy’s final charge in chapter four.  I listened to 3:37 – 4:06 of Gravemind from the Halo 3 original soundtrack on a loop while writing it.  That 650 word scene is just glorious to me.  Out of all my stories, I finally let Cindy shine as the utter badass she truly is.  Inspired by a moment in Tellale’s The Walking Dead season one finale where Lee crosses a herd of walkers, I just had Cindy tear her way through every obstacle in her path with sheer determination and skill.  I love that out of approximately sixty people in the gymnasium, Cindy took out nine herself in that scene.  (Seven on the gymnasium floor, Tom, and the kid grappling with Jimmy.)

And lastly, just as with the Community paintball episodes, there had to be an emotional component to this story.  As Dan Harmon said, it would otherwise just be people shooting at each other.  This story takes place in the same universe as Last Call.  Just before the shooting started, Jimmy had confessed to Cindy that he was glad to be her friend and begged her that that would stay the same.  So throughout the night, she did all she could to protect Jimmy.  At the end of the night, Jimmy knows how much she’s struggled to keep him safe and is more than willing to let her keep The Prize.  And after she accidentally admits she loves him, he’s willing to take the plunge and admit it right back.

I originally planned on ending chapter five after the kids part ways outside The Candy Bar.  But I felt there should be a little more to the story, so I added the three “mid-credits” scenes.  It was fun to play around with the end of this story like it was a movie. While the first two scenes amused me (especially Ms. Wolf hating people saying “Knock, knock,” without actually knocking), I most enjoyed showing the kids relaxing at Brittany’s pool party.  Just something about Betty and Cindy having a calm conversation while watching their friends relax seemed the perfect way to end this piece.

Final Verdict: It could have been slightly longer, but this was one of the funnest stories for me to write.  It’s one of my favorites and I hope everyone enjoys it.





Visiting a Veterinarian vs. Physician

Having graduated in May of 2016, I’ve been a practicing veterinarian for slightly over six months now.  As such, I’ve become accustomed to managing appointments with my clients.  However, I haven’t been to a human doctor in far too long.  So last week I decided to go for an annual check-up at an M.D.’s office.  I figured this would be the perfect time to compare and contrast a visit to a veterinarian vs. a human physician.

Upon entering the doctor’s office, the first people I dealt with were a nurse and a physical assistant (PA) student.  The nurse took my temperature and blood pressure while asking some basic questions as to why I was at the office today (for me, it was an annual exam with questions about ringing in the ears, lower back pain, and some moles).  The PA student (her first rotation!) soon took over the bulk of the visit and gave me flashbacks to my terrifying first rotation as a vet student at Michigan State.  She asked me a thorough history about the reasons for my visit, my lifestyle, and my previous medical history.

This PA student also obtained a large amount of diagnostic information right off the bat.  She drew blood for a complete blood count and chemistry, told me to get a urine sample, helped the nurse obtain an ECG, and oversaw pulmonary testing.  She told me that this was all standard testing for a new client.

This series of tests is much more advanced than any I have seen a primary care veterinarian perform.  While we certainly can measure blood pressure, obtain an ECG, and do blood/urine testing, we don’t do these for all clients.  Blood pressure is a much less pertinent issue in veterinary medicine and is typically only done after heart or kidney disease has been diagnosed.  ECGs are saved for prior to anesthesia or if there  is concern for heart disease.  Blood and urine testing is done more often, but is usually recommended once in younger age, once in middle age, and perhaps annually in the geriatric years.  Of course, blood and urine testing would also be recommended for a wide variety of suspected illnesses.

After all these diagnostics were complete, the PA student began a short physical exam.  She ausculted my heart and lungs, palpated my abdomen, and quickly looked in my eyes and ears the same was as a veterinarian would.  She also quickly manipulated by back to check for pain.  The only significant thing that she did not do that a veterinarian would is palpate the lymph nodes – the PA who later came in the room also neglected to do this.

After that brief physical exam, the student moved into my specific problems.   I was impressed with the degree of basic auditory testing the PA student could perform compared to a veterinarian.  While I’m sure there are at least  couple veterinary audiologists out there, measuring animal hearing loss in a primary care setting amount to abruptly clapping your hands and seeing if the dog reacts.  At my physical, the PA student whispered different phrases into each of my ears and asked me to repeat them.  More impressively, they used a tuning fork to perform Rinne and Weber hearing testing in an attempt to localize where (if any) my hearing loss was.

After this hearing testing, the student left to present her case.  The PA came back into the room with her several minutes later.  He was professional but curt.  After validating a few things about my history, he began a series of vigorous neurological and orthopedic tests in regards to my back pain.  He checked my patellar reflexes, had me do a wide variety of range of motion exercises, and checked for any facial nerve deficits.  Overall, I was very impressed with the amount of care that went in this orthopedic and neurologic exam.

At the end of the exam, I mentioned my concern about two moles (one on my nose and one on my arm).  The PA did not even look at them, he simply mentioned that he can give me a referral to a dermatologist.  He also gave me a referral to an audiologist and a slip to go get a radiograph at a hospital.  He prescribed me a lidocaine patch for my back in the meantime and said we would do a recheck appointment in 2 weeks to discuss the bloodwork and radiograph of my back.  One last thing happened on my way out.  I mentioned that while teaching a vet assistant how to do an ear cytology, I took  a swab of my own ear and examined it.  I saw approximately 5 cocci (round bacteria) per high powered field on the microscope.  I asked what the normal flora in a human ear was, and he said that he had no idea but that 5 was probably fine.

So, how did all of this compare to a visit to a primary care veterinarian?  As far as history-taking goes, it was the exact same.  The physical exam was very similar.  While the PA did not look at my lymph nodes, he did a much more thorough auditory exam than I ever could.

Laboratory testing was done on a much more extensive routine scale.  However, interpretation of these tests and the radiograph was much-delayed.  In a veterinary clinic, routine bloodwork and radiographs are usually interpreted within 24 hours.  For a more complex case I may send radiographs to a radiologist for review or call an internist about bloodwork. Even with those delays, we almost always get back to a patient within 48 – 72 hours.

Also in regards to bloodwork and radiographs, veterinarians often discuss these results over the phone.  I always offer to discuss the results in person if the client desires, but if we were purely discussing lab results I would never charge for a second visit.  (When I return to my PA in 2 weeks I will have to pay a copay).

In regards to a referral to specialists, I always offer transferring a patient if I feel it is in their best interest.  But in regards to my mole, even if I did not any idea how to deal with a skin issue, I would still take a look at it and make note of it in the patient’s chart.  I was very disheartened that a primary care physician wouldn’t at least take a quick glance to ensure it wasn’t secondarily infected.  This goes along with not knowing the normal flora of a human ear canal.  Veterinary general practitioners routinely deal with things that human practitioners always seem to refer (most skin issues, ear infections, reproductive issues, etc.)

So, who wins this brawl?  As I would hope you’d expect me to answer, there is no winner.  In general, I feel that primary care veterinarians are better versed to deal with a variety of issues.  Taking insurance out of the picture, we are also vastly cheaper to visit than human physicians.  We are also speedier in getting results back to our clients.

However, human doctors typically have more concentrated knowledge on the things they do focus on.  This is due to their more-extensive training.  (Whereas an internship and residency is optional for veterinarians, they are required in human physicians.)  So while a primary care practitioner may not know how to diagnose or treat a mole, they are highly capable to treat the things they are comfortable with and diagnose/manage long-term diseases.

Although I do wish they would at least look at the moles.

Divergence (Part 2)

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the second part of a two-chapter Jimmy Neutron fanfic.  Part I can be found HERE.

“Serva ma, servabo te.” (“Save me and I will save you.”)

Petronius Arbiter

“Gas planets,” James groaned as the mocking screech of Lindbergh Elementary’s bell pierced his ears. He deactivated his jetpack and awkwardly fell to the ground; his first steps landed him ankle-deep in a puddle. Jimmy narrowed his eyes but otherwise ignored the unpleasant sensation while dashing through the school’s double doors. Cindy bursting out of the library sent him sliding to a halt; he avoided a collision by the curl of his hair.

It only took a second after pulling back in shock for Cindy to wryly snap, “Late again, huh Neutron?” She set off towards Ms. Fowl’s class at a brisk pace, and Jimmy rolled his eyes while falling in step beside her.

“And what’s your excuse for dashing to class, Vortex?” Continue reading Divergence (Part 2)

Divergence (Part 1) – A New Jimmy Neutron Fanfic

“And when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”

– Friedrich Nietzsche

Fingers interlocked, James and Cynthia strolled down the moonlit street. Even after all Cindy had been through that night, after discovering that her parents were getting divorced and wondering if she might be forced to move, nothing but joy shone in her eyes.

For James, however, peaceful thoughts were fading with each new step. He knew that it was time to take yet another plunge – to ensure that he and Cindy never lost the progress they had just made. It was time for one last admission. “Cindy?” he shakily asked.


He steeled his resolve and squeezed her hand tight. “No matter what happens, just never doubt how much you mean to me.”

They both froze, and James stared deep into Cindy’s eyes. Shock gave way to fear, which morphed into steadfast resolve as she tenderly asked, “Neutron?”

Jimmy swallowed hard at the new fire swirling in her pupils. This wasn’t the usual licks of rage – something else seemed to be smoldering inside her. It chilled him to his core, but it seemed to beckon him. Cindy delicately placed her free hand on his shoulder and leaned her head an inch closer to his. “Vortex?” he shakily whispered. Continue reading Divergence (Part 1) – A New Jimmy Neutron Fanfic

“Three’s A Crowd” – A Script for a Proposed Fourth Season Episode of Jimmy Neutron

Two months ago, I guest starred on a podcast called The Beanholes.  This podcast discussed the attempted fourth season revival for Jimmy Neutron that I spearheaded.  Excerpts from two of the four scripts I helped write were previously posted on this blog, but for the first time a complete script is now available for the public to read.

The script that is posted is for the episode entitled “Three’s a Crowd.”  The primary focus of this episode is Cindy Vortex getting trapped in Jimmy’s lab with her rival, Betty Quinlan.  In order to escape, Cindy must come to grips with the real reason she detests Betty so.  Meanwhile, Carl leads the boys across town to recruit new members for the Llama Love Society.

The first draft of this script was beautifully penned by Saundra (I still attest that her first draft was the best of the four we wrote).  Edward, Saundra, and myself polished the script together over multiple editing sessions.  This script was also looked over and given a seal approval from Mike Gasaway, one of the directors for The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius.

The full script is posted here.  Please feel absolutely free to comment on whatever you did or didn’t like.  If you do approve of this work, please share it with any other Jimmy Neutron or Nickelodeon fans you know!


The Beanholes – A Podcast About the Proposed Fourth Season of Jimmy Neutron

A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to be invited as a guest on a Podcast called The Beanholes.  The two guys who run this podcast, Eric and Nate, dissect a new movie or TV show each week.  After stumbling across my blog post about the proposed fourth season of Jimmy Neutron that I worked on, they wanted to talk about my journey.  So along with my writing partner Ed (who also worked on that proposed fourth season with me), I partook in the podcast.

In this podcast we discuss what about Jimmy Neutron sparked the desire to revive it, what exactly we worked on over that year, and what we learned from our efforts.

The podcast is linked here.  Please let me know what you think!



A Veterinarian’s Physical Examination

A visit to the veterinarian’s office usually consists of two major parts: the initial taking of a history and the secondary physical examination.  While the purpose and advantages of taking a history are often rather apparent, the physical examination is often more mysterious.  So today this blog will go over what exactly your veterinarian is looking for in his or her physical examination.

I always begin my physical examination with the head and then work backwards, towards the tail.

Denali the Labrador


Placing a hand over one eye and making a motion towards the other eye tests for the “menace reflex.”  A visual dog (unless the patient is a young puppy or kitten) will blink or pull away from that threatening gesture.  This is our primary indicator of vision.  We also check the sclera, or “whites of the eye,” for any signs of inflammation such as prominent blood vessels or discharge.  Ensuring that both pupils are the same size is important – unequal pupil size (anisocoria) can indicate a range of neurological or other disorders. Continue reading A Veterinarian’s Physical Examination

Undertale – Am I good?

A few days ago, I was trying to find a new game to play in order to kill time until XCOM 2 was released.  I’ve been out of the gaming loop for a while and so was reading about the best games from the past couple years.  One title I kept coming back to was Undertale ($9.99 on Steam).  I decided to check it out and was absolutely blown away by it.

Before I bought Undertale, I read about a half dozen reviews on it.  (Hey, $10 is a big investment for a veterinary student.)  Everyone assured me that it was worth the money, but the reviews were very superficial.  They all cryptically said that they couldn’t discuss anything more than the broadest aspects of the game; that it needed to be experienced raw.  While frustrating to read, after completing Undertale I now wholeheartedly agree with this assessment.

Yet I haven’t felt an incredible urge to write about this game just so I could go over the most superficial aspects of its design.  I need to get a lot off my chest, and the only way to do that is to go in-depth about my two playthroughs so far.  So for the first time, I’m going to give Undertale its review score early into this review, after the part without spoilers.  Then I’m going to discuss my playthroughs in detail. Continue reading Undertale – Am I good?

Guys & Gals (Not Girls!)

For a long time now, I’ve been trying to live my life by two simple rules.  The first is as long as people aren’t hurting each other, let them do what it takes to be happy.  Gay marriage, transgender rights, your religion…whatever.  As long as it doesn’t hurt someone else, why should I stop you from feeling complete?

vetprep completion chart

I have 4,961 VetPrep questions to get through to pass my boards.  How would I even have time to get upset that gay people are getting married?

The second rule that I’ve tried to follow is don’t be a dick.

scott dick.png

No one wants to be like Scott. Continue reading Guys & Gals (Not Girls!)

Everything You Need to Know About the NAVLE

For the past four months, preparing for the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination has been at the forefront of mine and my friends’ minds.  This means that although we’ve certainly had some free time, we’ve always been worried about the NAVLE.  The consequence?  My friends and I have barely hung out, I’ve had to postpone editing my second novel (The Ripple Effect), and I’ve had far fewer Jimmy Neutron Nights than normal.

jn guide

For your own reference.

Back in the summer when it came time to start really worrying about the NAVLE, I tried to find some information on it online.  I was surprised to find that there was no easy-to-read condensation of what the NAVLE exactly entails.  So, I figured I’d make one myself.  I’ll try to avoid my usual playful (and/or offensively annoying) exaggerative style in this post.  When I complain how much this test sucks, know I really mean it. Continue reading Everything You Need to Know About the NAVLE